1951 Singer sewing machine value: Things you need to know
Have you ever been curious about your exact 1951 singer sewing machine value? To price a sewing machine model, in addition to the brand, you also need to consider the product’s wear and tear and scarcity.
If you own a 1951 Singer model and cannot determine its price, immediately refer to the instructions below. The article will include all the information about the 1951 Singer machine you are looking for.
Table of Contents
Tools For Estimating 1951 Singer Sewing Machine Values

There are a few reasons why you should value your antique sewing machine.
For example, during the warranty, you will need help from appraisal companies to determine the device’s price.
If you can’t bring your device to the appraisal company, here are a few more straightforward and practical ways that are worth a try.
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Current Online Sales
You can determine your old sewing machine’s value by checking out similar products. Some websites you may use to collect relevant information may be:
- eBay
On this website, besides searching for products by keyword, you can also list available and recently sold items. The results will be the basis for determining the correct value for your sewing machine model.
- Etsy
This website specializes in providing older models of sewing machines. You can find old Singer models at a variety of list prices.
- RubyLane
This website is not so popular in the world. However, it is pretty familiar to most Singer sewing machine users.
Here you can find Singer models made in 1951 or older for sale. This online market allows you to consult prices and talk directly with sellers to determine each item’s value.
Past Sales Values
Past sales prices are also a reliable basis for determining current value. The 1951 sewing machine attracts consumers with its sophisticated and classic design.
After decades, archaeologists have received more appreciation for this super product. Its value is increasingly anchored based on the previous selling price.
Local Antique Stores

The 1951 Singer is an antique sewing machine model. You can head to your local antique store to check prices if you’re a collector.
Some antique stores have a Singer model from 1951. You can check the current prices of the equipment available at the store.
Strolling around the local antique collector’s stores, you can indirectly determine the price range for your piece relatively accurately.
Another issue you need to consider is the timing of the sale. In the experience of antique collectors, you can get a model for half the original price after it has been on sale for three months or more.
Also, another intelligent solution is to pledge yours to an antique store to get an accurate valuation from their experts.
I’ve tried a few of my other dishes, which have all received a relatively decent price tag according to my expectations.
Books and Publications
Singer 1951 is a rather particular sewing machine model. It marked quite a change in sewing machine manufacturing technology.
There are many documents about this machine. You can visit your local library and get helpful information to help determine the cost of a sewing machine.
Here are the books you should check out through:
- Encyclopedia of Ancient Sewing Machines & Early American Machines. This book provides textual and visual instructions. You can use the notes in the book to determine your Singer machine’s price.
- The Perfect Portable and Its Stitches Across History: It is also a valuable document to help you learn more about Singer sewing machines, especially their prices.
- Vintage American Sewing Machines: Besides Singer sewing machines, this book covers many other long-established brands. You will have exciting knowledge after reading the information contained in this book.
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How Much Is A 1951 Singer Sewing Machine Worth?

The lowest amount you need to own a 1951 Singer sewing machine model is $50.
Yet, models at this price point will often not perform as you expect. Some of its accessories may be damaged, which will not allow it to last for a long time.
Singer 1951 sewing machines in great shape and still relatively fresh paint will range in price from $450 – $600. Well-kept devices that are brand new, even in good working order, will cost more than the above average.
Do old sewing machines have any value?

Used sewing machine models have a variety of prices. Affordable models around $50 are usually not very durable. You cannot expect its performance to be good enough to meet your needs.
Yet, the old classics are pretty collectible. It is the reason many people agree to buy antique sewing machines at a relatively high price.
Are vintage Singer sewing machines good?
Vintage Singer sewing machine models often do not have the best performance.
Yet, it is quite an ideal choice for collection. Its parts are easy to replace, with good maintenance support and high aesthetics.
How do you read a Singer sewing machine’s serial number?
You can find the serial number by looking at the copper plate near the power switch. Some models will have a copper plate located on the front panel.
Where is the model number on an old Singer sewing machine?
With sewing machines manufactured in 1951, Singer usually printed the sewing machine model number on the handwheel.
In devices manufactured after 1990, the handwheel will be located near the switch and power cord socket.
What makes a Singer sewing machine valuable?
The Singer sewing machine will be valuable for collectors when the model is exquisitely decorated. Badges and decals must be new to maintain equipment aesthetics.
Many factors can affect the 1951 Singer sewing machine value, including the manufacture year and wear and tear. You can consider many ways to know how much yours is worth.
Hopefully, the sharing in the article has helped you better price your 1951 Singer sewing machine and make the right decision. Thank you for reading!